据悉tvN综艺节目《You Quiz On The Block》即将携第二季回归,据tvN方面透露,该节目将依然保留刘在锡、曹世镐的固定班底,预计将在4月进行第二季的首次录制,具体的播出档期等细节还在协商中。该节目以刘在锡和曹世镐为主持人,亲自走入路人们的日常,和大家对话,并给出问题,是一档兼具脱口秀和答题秀形式的综艺节目,去年8月播出第一季,并于11月收官,也因刘在锡首度加盟tvN节目而引发话题。
There is a huge number of ingredients in the world.
What we usually eat is just a small part of them…
In this show, great chefs cook unknown ingredients that they have never seen.
The ingredient looks/tastes strange. The chef is firstly surprised at such an unknown, but gradually grasps ...